Driving in rural Waterloo Region... Thoughts on blogging, imperfection and changing colours

I have recently begun to think more about sharing my experiences driving through the rural Waterloo region, and all that I see and reflect upon.

In the past I haven't felt motivated to post a blog unless I take an "exceptional" photo.  Ah, how perfectionism and the fear of criticism can get in the way of sharing.... :-/

Lately however I have been thinking I should post anyhow if I have something I want to show or share. 

One of the things I love about rural driving is that I get to see the slow transition of colours from season to season.    We all love the full blown colours of fall but I find the migration from orange and red to November's silvers and browns equally beautiful.  And late fall into winter, and so on.

I think the reduction of colour makes me more aware of which colours do exist.

Here is a photo of a "roadscape" (I just made that up I think) :-)  This is in Cambridge off highway 97.


Notice the colours are subtle here... try to name the colour of the trees!  To me it's brown/ rust/ remnants of orange/ and  (?).  The sun picks up the slightest bit of yellow.   Here is another view, turning left.  Isn't it lovely in its own quiet way?  

Then just for fun I extracted several of the colours and put them together - check this out: 

Isn't it lovely?!

I hope you enjoyed looking this over.  

More photos and thoughts going forward!
